I suggest Theodore Haecker's "Virgil: Father of the West". There's a good chapter there about how Aeneas and Odysseus are quite dissimilar figures. Also (the best part) explains (in ecstasy almost) how Aeneas is in fact most similar to Abraham, the founder of the faith.
It's a 1934 book...you'll have to find a used copy, try Alibris.com
Brian Gallagher, Boston

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert T. White)
Subject: Re: VIRGIL: Ohio Girls & Odysseus Comp Q
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 21:45:47 -0400

Domnius scripist:
>> I sent a private note to the sender, but perhaps it's worth saying
>> here, as well. I'm sure this was an accident. But please don't put
>> Mantovano on lists-of-people-I-send-jokes-to. Messages on this list
>> are sometimes infrequent. I'm happy with that, so long as, when we do
>> talk, it's about Virgil.
I am unable to shake off an image of some teacher in Central Ohio
thinking to herself, "Hmmmmmmm...what group of people would enjoy
receiving this joke?" and choosing without hesitation this Vergil list!

Actually, what I'm looking for, info-wise, is a book/article that would be considered the definitive comparison of Aeneas and Odysseus...

Bob White

Robert T. White
Shaker Heights HS
Shaker Heights OH


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