>>Could someone help me with a bibliographical reference?
>>I'm trying to remember an article not too many years ago on the enclosed
>>appositional structure such as "raucae, tua cura, palumbes" in Eclogue 1,
>>James J. O'Hara                                       Jim O'Hara

>[J. Solodow,] HSCP 90 (1986) 129-153.
>James Lawrence Peter Butrica

Many thanks!  And look (so to speak), I have that volume here in the office

Jim O'Hara                               James J. O'Hara
Professor of Classical Studies & Chair   Classical Studies Dept.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      Wesleyan University
860/685-2066 (fax: 2089)                 Middletown CT 06459-0146
Home Page: http://www.wesleyan.edu/classics/faculty/jim.html

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