The Ordnance Survey NTF file format is not directly readable by MI.
Resellers of OS data will probably translate the NTF files into a MI format
for you (and at a fee), otherwise if its NTF files you recieve you will have
to buy a suitable translator (approx prices range between £200 - £600).
Compare the costs between the two options above, and if your need is a
one-off, go for the data in MI format (if the added price is less than a
translator) or if you will be updating the OS data when new versions come
out (approx every six months for LandLine an AddressPoint) a good translator
is probably the best option.  Most MI resellers or consultancies in the UK
will offer such a translator.
Spencer Chainey
Corporate GIS Manager
London Borough of Hackney

-----Original Message-----
From: Map Library <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MapInfo Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 02 November 1999 19:49
Subject: MI & NTF files

>Hello Everyone!! Well, I'm on way to learning about acquiring OS vector
>data. I have been informed of the data available and the format it comes
>in. It is possible to receive the data in MI format for an additional cost
>but I was also told that MI should receive NTF data without a problem.
>Some of your comments about this format would suggest otherwise. Can I
>receive more feedback about how MI imports/translates (which one or both?)
>NTF data?
>Thanks in advance.
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