
> Does anybody know that how I can convert one Postscript file(*.ps, for
> HP755) to one MAPINFO table? I can convert the .ps file to .eps file(by
> GSView), but I haven't find the way to obtain one mapinfo table from eps
> file. Or there are some other ways?

This is a tricky one. As you probably know, Postscript is intended to be an
output description language rather than a generic vector storage format. For
vector data however, the line work may preserved well - at least within the
resolution of the page.

One of my very first efforts in mapping (before encountering MapInfo) was to
take some map clipart of Europe is EPS and convert it into a vector data set
for use with a home-brew mapping engine. It worked, but used a custom
developed program to make the extraction. Raster data would be much harder
to extract but still possible.

I wonder if there is a route via a drawing package. Perhaps you can find a
product that can read and render Postscript (a Mac applications may do a
better job) and then export in AutoCAD DXF. DXF can then be imported into

If you do find a route, you will still have the problem of geo-referencing.
The data in the [E]PS file will only represent page coordinates. The "real"
coordinate will be lost.

As a last resort, you could hi-res scan and digitise.

Warren Vick
Europa Technologies Ltd, U.K.

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