LO All,
George: If the working class is,
as you claim, "potentially revolutionary" then there is no guarantee that it
can spontaneously turn revolutionary which is why a vanguard party is
necessary. You hoist yourself with your own petard.
Not at all - who said anything
about spontaneously revolutionary? What we have to do is conscientiously
and consciously buoild a mass movement for revolution, it won't happen until
the working class is willing and conscious for change. How could we have
a succesful revolution with a vanguard? Make the programmers work at gun
point? It would degenerate into tyranny, it cannot work. the only
way the workers can be free is if we consciously free ourselves, not have
someone lead us to it, or do it for us. Pace Trotsky, the revoluion is
*not* made by teh minority.
Dread Lord Deathy.