The characterization of Obama is not very informative. 
Yes, this is a crossroads . . . a conjuncture of the election of the first  
black president and a major crisis of capitalism. Those two facts are  
interdependent, interrelated, and quite important, but I've yet to see an  
elucidation of the nature of that importance.  Decisive in this  is not the 
election of a black president, but the fact that Cracker America,  almost half 
of the white electorate, voted for McCain and is out for Obama's  blood. I saw 
a documentary last night on HBO: "Right America: Feeling Wronged":  a survey 
of white Americans who hate Obama. These aren't just white people,  these are 
the whitest people you ever saw, the redneck kind that make your blood  run 
cold. The kind not shy about telling you what they think about niggers.  
they are dinosaurs, and hopefully they will die out soon, but not soon  
enough.  Now the question is: how will Cracker America react to 'socialist'  
Obama's handling of the economic crisis? 

I hope that by the end - part 6, Obama's characterization is for  
Perhaps, you are still reeling from the impact of "Right America." The  
political basis for "Right America" was introduced in parts of section 1 and  
repeated in section 2. 
My intent - which perhaps was not achieved, was to unfold American history  
in layers, as an outline, with one layer overlapping the other and  then place 
- locate, Obama as this history and this stage of financial and  economic 
Ralph, you an autodidactic, meaning whatever I write is going to fall  short, 
because you are way beyond the basic underlying concepts of this series -  in 
the main. Yet, this series contains some theoretically challenging  
propositions, hopefully in a popular form. 
The whole series was written some time ago and run on Marxist Debate, but  it 
was a first version and this rewrite and editing try and clarify Obama more. 
I will definitely go over 3 and 4 several more times and run them tomorrow.  
5 and 6 on the last day of the month. 
" the whitest people you ever saw," ;-) 
Ralph, I live in Florida for Christ Sake, a place I vowed to never in life  
visit much less live and this was because of the historical treatment of the  
Seminoles, perhaps the only tribe not signing a peace treaty and their  
intertwining history with escaped slaves. 
Where I am at in not a Detroit or Philly by a long shot. 
Now U C why I B say'in 
Unite or Perish! ;-) 
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