Obama has not been in office very long and his bipartisan rhetoric, will in  
practice be jettisoned; is being jettisoned as he pointedly state "I won the  
election," and the real Obama will emerge. The real Obama is of course  the 
CEO for capital, and everything he stated and promised in the election  
campaign. His job is to institutionalize the new/changing social relations  of 
production, expressing this new stage in the decay of capital and the  
revolution. As a traditional Roosevelt type Democrat he will  expand the 
social safety net, primarily for what in all his campaign speeches,  he calls 
hard working middle class and sections of the poorest workers.  

Interestingly, Bush W. and Reagan's administration "busted the budget" and  
"expanded government," only directing government funds where they wanted them.  
The Democrats want a different direction. 
Only social revolution can stop certain things. 
The huge mass that was once dubbed the reserve army of labor, was called  
such precisely because it was a reserve to be thrown into the battle for  
production during peak period of production. No level of production and  
today can throw this huge mass of labor into the production process,  because 
of what Marx called "the progress of industry." This mass of labor has  been 
rendered superfluous to the production of capital as an expanded value in  the 
absolute sense.  Here is the 800 lb. gorilla in the living room many  deny 
exist, with other claiming it is not really a gorilla at all. From reserve  
to a permanent caste of proletarians shut out the civic society of the  
Change most certainly must be from the bottom up. Here is the bottom. Below  
is how the late Comrade Mark Jones described this mass Oct. 1998 - a 
description  I agreed with and wrote about alongside him in 1999/2000. 
"The precocious success of 'decarbonisation' and dematerialisation has  
produced this outcome, one where the greatest reserve army of labour in history 
more than half of humankind: confronts the greatest accumulation of  
productive power known to history, across a social nomansland which leaves each 
inaccessible to the other and has resulted in locking the majority of humankind 
out of the benefits of production and indeed out of society and in a sense, out 
of history. 
(Note: "inaccessible to the other and has resulted in locking the majority  
of humankind out of the benefits of production" = locked out the civic society  
of the bourgeoisie = from reserve of industry to permanent outcast) 
"Any real new upswing or serious resumption of production (I do not mean  the 
kind of illusory boomlets which always occur within real depressions, and  
did for example throughout the 1930s, when the 'turning of the corner' was  
monotonously proclaimed and always proven wrong within days or weeks) is 
to be short-lived since it must press against the absolute limit of 
valorisation  inscribed within the mode of production itself, and which history 
has now 
as it  were brought to the surface." (end quote) 
(Note: "is certain to be short-lived since it must press against the  
absolute limit of valorisation inscribed within the mode of production itself," 
the historical limit of capitalist production). 
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The most noteworthy aspect of taking the "high road" is that Obama can  
appear, and probably believes he is, 
totally nonpartisan, bipartisan, or  whatever,
CB: Well isn't he ? That's basically
what you say here.
all along being forced to take more liberal or social democratic measures  to 
correct the heinous state of affairs 
he has bequeathed.  A shift in  the overall political direction of the 
country won't depend on him, but if  
popular pressure forces him to move to the left, he would do so.
CB: Which is what he says. Changes comes from
the bottom  up.

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