In a message dated 2/28/2009 1:26:49 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Obama as  a "uniter" is an interesting Marxist approach. Perhaps if all of  
was raised by a white parent and white grandparents, we too would be   

Why not just read his book - "Dreams from my father?"  And then describe how  
being raised, during his formative years,  where he was raised mirror the 
of  blacks in American Northern  or Southern cities and country side. I do 
write  Obama is an  immigrant. His story - meaning the story that he tells, 
to a   large degree the live he has lived, is that of the story of the 
immigrant  and  their first generation offspring. 

If you disagree with an  interpretation why not simply state something to  
effect "that my  interpretation is" unless you are saying what Obama means is 
"I was  raised by one white parent and white grandparents and therefore I am 
"uniter," with the small physiological disposition of the descendants  of  
Southern slavery. Without question he is African American, but  that does not 
really tell much.   


Trust me on the following: Obama is CEO for the capitalist class.  


>> Barack Obama wonderful book, "Dreams from  My Father," is the  immigrant  
story, a black immigrant, rather  than the history of the  Negro People, and 
acute  awareness of this living history accounts  for his unique and  
ability to cross the color line. When  Obama  writes, "My identity might 

with the fact of my race, but   it didn’t, couldn’t, end there," what is 
meant is 
that my identity is  not  defined on the basis of the color factor in 

The words of Obama reveals why no self respecting Marxist, born  and  reared  
as part of the "baby boomers," can deploy the  concept race,  other than the 
petty  bourgeois intellectuals  unable to fully digest  dialectics without 
opportunist  sauce.  << 

CB:  Obama's words don't mean that. Unlike  most
Black  people he was raised by White parents
and grandparents.  This gave him an  unusual 
ability to understand both aspects of his  
Duboisian double  consciousness. It allows
him to be a uniter, not  a divider.

Obama is not an immigrant. He had little contact
with his  immigrant  father. He was raised by
US natives
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