Obama Says US May Reach Out to Taliban  


CB:If I was Obama , I'd say to the Taliban "look bros, obviously, you  are 
some bad motherfuckers  because even Alexander couldn't conquer y'all,  or was 
it that Alexander was the only one who conquered y'all. Whatever. But  look , 
don't you realize that chimpanzees have more sense than you do in that  they 
know that you can't disrespect females like you are. You dig ? You are  dumber 
than apes when it come to the girls. So why not drop the extraordinary  
anti-women total bullshit and peace out ?"

"If I was Obama . . . ." 
"because even Alexander couldn't conquer y'all, or was it that Alexander  was 
the only one who conquered y'all. Whatever. "
(means)  = Since American imperialism and the militarized state cannot  
conquer the people of Afghanistan, the state department wants a policy shift to 
begin negotiations with the fascist cleric the intelligence agencies of  the US 
installed decades ago.   
"you can't disrespect females like you are. You dig ? You are dumber than  
apes when it come to the girls. So why not drop the extraordinary anti-women  
total bullshit and peace out ?"
(means) = The problem with Afghanistan is the Women Factor and the  treatment 
of women by one of the political factions in the country. 
What is wrong with such analysis, is the failure to take into account and  
ascend to the level of the domestic peace movement, which demands the 
 of the American military machine from Iraq and Afghanistan.
CB:  Yes they can. A "communist" polarity is premature and sectarian  right 
now. We need a popular front, all peoples front.
Reply (http://www.papercut.biz/emailStripper.htm) 
A communist polarity was defined as uniting anyone and everyone around an  
economic program of survival. This program  - platform, can be summed up as  
"the only way to provide people socially necessary means of life, who have  
little or no money, is for the government to provide them these things." This  
platform is the "peoples program" and the people are wage earners or  
How and why is it premature to fight for what people are already fighting  
for? People are being evicted and walking away from high mortgages and  
homelessness is growing. Fighting for shelter is not premature. Advocacy for  
expansion of section 8 and food stamps for the entire working class is not  
Advocacy for health care for all Americans are not premature. 
"If I was Obama . . ." is probably the worse way possible to approach the  
practical and theoretical question of the meaning of a Popular Front in 
 In fact what is a "Popular Front" in practice? A Popular Front is a concept 
of  organizations on the left preserving their political independence and 
working  towards a goal. What is the goal of the Popular Front in which you 
Truly sad . . . such is the result of race theory and seeking unity of the  
working class on the basis of uniting people around a concept of skin color,  
rather than economic facts of life. 

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