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Weel, as was foreseeable, M. Gh(with a laryngical VOICED consonant,
actually sounds like K to non-trained ears)addafi has sent shockwaves
throughout the left-wing world who were too silly to understand that
propaganda by a strongman does not automatically equate with "people's

I might need all the posts I'm allowed, so I will answer many posts at
once :

1) Telesur sees "nothing wrong" in Tripoli.
Against this, the steady flow of MSMs from Tripoli since yesterday:

>>"resident of Tripoli has emailed the BBC's Arabic Service: "Mercenary
forces are collecting the bodies of those killed from the streets and
from the hospitals. They are using trucks. We don't know where they are
talking them. They are doing this to conceal any evidence of their crime
from the world. Because sooner or later, the media will come in." 

>>"The Libyan Deputy Ambassador to the UN, Ibrahim Dabbaschi, tells the
French AFP that he has information that mercenaries loyal to Col Gaddafi
have been loading the bodies of people killed in Tripoli on planes. He
says they are then taken to the desert near the town of Sirte, where
they are being dumped."

Most "independant" (read Red Cross) estimates now put the number of
people killed at around 2 000. 

Plus numerous reports coming in that pro-Gaddafi forces have hastily
erased all anti-Gadaffi slogans from the walls and "whitewashed" the
People's assembly (parliament) building gutted by fire.

And TELESUR saw "nothing out of the ordinary" in Western Libya ?
"Nothing out of the ordinary" as reports come in suggesting most
medium-sized towns around Triploi have seen bloody clashes all day ?
TELESUR, the Venezuelian Channel, sees "nothing out of the ordinary" ?

2) Interestingly enough, popular comittees are running the eastern
cities of Libya and are attempting to coordinate their actions. That's
the one good thing that came out of Ghaddaffi (/Gaddaffi), people's
assemblies are tools ready to be used by genuine ... people. For the
time being, each city's local council is ensuring the arrival of food
and supllies (Eastward road from Egypt), that local electricty plants
are working and providing for their local defnse needs by having army
units and anti-Gaddafi fighters organize themselves into a coherent
local defense militia.
Socialism is an accepted idea, as all citizens are aware that they get
their wealth from oil, and that the proceeds of such wealth should come
back to the people.
So despite all the flux of civil war, the citizens of Libya have got two
ideas clearly in head : a) local government answerable to the people and
b) ownership of the billions of dollars of proceeds from oil.
They feel Gaddafi failed them on both a) and b). But, alas, once a new
pro-Western government comes into place, they will once again be
deprived from a) and b). But maybe that's why there is so much chaos in
Libya, as the people do have a pretty good idea of a) and b) and will
not be relinquishing their weapons soon.
Libya is going to become a very interesting focus of world attention.

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