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I just wrote:
> Venezuela and Libya, while disproportionately wealthier than similar countries
> due to their wealth, have not been able to move into the imperialist camp.

Of course what this nonsensical sentence was supposed to say was "...due to
their *oil* wealth..."

Countries like Norway get raw materials from countries like Libya or Venezuela.
New Zealand is a little different because although our government hypes the
importance of innovative tech companies like Weta Digital (a movie special
effects firm), our economy is underpinned by a raw materials extraction industry
- dairy farming. But just like the wool/sheepmeat industries it has supplanted,
NZ's dairy industry is a highly advanced and capital intensive operation.
Fonterra, the NZ Dairy Farmers' Producer cooperative, is the largest dairy trade
in the world and NZ dairying interests are continually investing throughout the
world, including in Uruguay and China.

Having said that, there are Marxists in New Zealand who think they are living in
a semi-colony. I suspect if they actually went and lived in one for a while they
might start to see the difference.

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