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-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Books on Dialectical Materialism
Date:   Thu, 2 Jun 2011 01:51:34 -0400 (EDT)
From:   sha...@aol.com
To:     l...@panix.com

Some contributors recently commented on available works on
dialectical materialism. Works on this subject were available to
active Marxists from the twenties onward.
Edward Conze, known mostly for his later years as a Buddhist
scholar, was the author of "Introduction to Dialectical
Materialism," a compendium of articles he wrote for Plebs (or it
may have been Labour Mounthly) in the early twenties, as well as "
Scientific Thinking, an Introduction to Dialectical Materialism."
August Thalheimer, German Communist and then right oppositionist,
wrote "Introduction to Dialectical Materialism," a series of
lectures given at Sun Yat Sen University in Moscow for the
Comintern as a teaching vehicle for Chinese radicals studying
there in the twenties.
(Both Conze and Thalheimer were ihad associations with the POUM.
Conze wrote "Spain Today: Revolution and Counter Revolution"
written before the outbreak of the Civil War, and based in part on
Joaquin Maurin's "Revolution and Counter Revolution in Spain,"
which Conze had first intended to translate but then decided to do
his own work. Thalheimer's "Notes on a Visit to Catalonia" being
reports sent back to Heinrich Brandler in 1936 and available on
the net is an extremely insteresting document).

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