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>From my book, Cheap Motels and a Hot Plate. We lived in Portland for fourteen 
>months and then for two months a few years afterward.

The most distressing thing about Portland, and the fact that most belied its 
liberal image, was its racism.  A writer once called Portland the “last bastion 
of Caucasian culture.”  It is certainly a white town; less than 7 percent of 
the population is African-American.  Even the city’s homeless are nearly all 
white, as are all the young people asking for money.  Blacks who gravitated to 
Portland to work in the wartime shipyards were housed in a floodplain of the 
Columbia River and were soon enough driven out by high waters.  The ghettoes 
where they were next allowed to live were destroyed by highway construction.  
Today the tiny black community is scattered over several mostly poor 
   Despite the small number of black residents, whites were inordinately 
hostile to them.  While we lived in Portland, there were several highly 
publicized and completely unjustified police shootings of black persons; in the 
six months before we left, they shot and killed a black woman and a black man.  
The woman and her male companion were stopped.  The man, a suspected drug 
dealer, was taken from the car and confronted by the cops.  The woman moved 
from the back seat to the front and got behind the steering wheel.  She started 
the engine and was probably about to flee.  She was unarmed, and the police 
knew who she was and where she lived.  One of them tried to prevent her from 
leaving.  He claimed that, as he put his arm in the window, he felt his life 
threatened.  So he simply pulled out his gun and shot the woman, leaving her 
children without a mother.   A few months later, two cops, including one who 
was clearly a psychopath (though presented later as an upstanding Christian by 
the minister of his fundamentalist church), stopped a black man for failure to 
use his turn signal when pulling into a strip mall. The man was apparently high 
on cocaine, but was unarmed and offered no resistance.  Within twenty-four 
seconds from the time he was motioned over by the officers, he was shot dead.  
Most white people acted as if these killings were justified.  The radio talk 
show hosts ranted that when a person showed anything but complete obedience to 
police commands, he or she deserved to get killed.  And if he or she had had 
any previous run-ins with the law, something hard for a black person to avoid 
in this country, then the shooting was not only justified but a positive 
benefit to society.  Letters to the editors of local newspapers made the same 
   But it wasn’t only police confrontations that got folks riled up about race. 
 Portland has a professional basketball team.  Their best player was Rasheed 
Wallace, an outspoken black man who led the league in technical fouls, seldom 
spoke with reporters, never dressed up, and made pointed remarks about racism 
in the National Basketball Association.  When he declared in a rare interview 
that the league loved to recruit unsophisticated black players just out of high 
school because they were easier to exploit, the media went wild.  How could a 
rich athlete make such comments?  Didn’t Portland treat him and the other 
players like royalty?  And now he spits on them.  Editorialists, including 
former white Portland star Bill Walton, condemned him, and the sports show 
hosts suggested none too subtly that he be driven out of town on a rail. 
Interestingly, he was eventually traded to the Detroit team, and ever since has 
been a model citizen.  It is hard to imagine two more different cities, in 
terms of racial mix and attitudes, than Portland and Detroit.
     In our large apartment building there was one black person. Karen was 
talking to him and two white women on the rooftop deck of the complex.  She 
asked him what his experiences had been being a black person in a town with 
such a small minority population.  He answered the question matter-of-factly, 
but one of the women exploded. How could Karen ask this man such a question?  
When Karen pointed out that Portland seemed to be a city devoid of black 
persons and was generally lacking in diversity, the irate woman said vehemently 
that this was not true.  It was Karen who was the racist for saying this.  
“Why,” the woman said, “if you want to see diversity, come clubbing with me 
some night at four a.m. There are all kinds of persons out then.”  It was 
difficult to respond to such a ridiculous assertion, but the woman kept up her 
harangue. The other woman, who had worked in customer service for the phone 
company for twenty years and was now retired, expressed wonder that she had 
never noticed what Karen was talking about.  She was genuinely surprised that 
almost everyone in our building was white.
   There is a growing Hispanic community in both Portland and the rest of 
Oregon.  But this community goes largely unnoticed, unless you are observant 
enough to see that nearly all the motel and hotel cleaners, yard-care workers, 
nannies, and lower-level kitchen staff in restaurants have brown faces.  The 
odious local and now national talk show host, Lars Larson, like CNN commentator 
Lou Dobbs, is obsessed with these Hispanic immigrants.  Larson sponsored a 
contest for listeners to submit a new state slogan.  Among his favorites were:  
“Welcome to Mexico,” and “Oregon: Habla Espanol?”  Not surprisingly, 
anti-immigrant sentiment resonated in Portland.  A history of racism—Oregon had 
anti-miscegenation laws until the Supreme Court overturned these in the late 
1960s—and high unemployment made workers susceptible to immigrant-bashing.  The 
absence of a strong and progressive labor movement denied to working people the 
education needed to defeat this.                                          
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