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on Samstag, 5. September 2015 at 18:01, Louis Proyect via Marxism speculated:

> It is important to understand that the latest wave of refugees are from
> the middle class as opposed to those who ended up in Turkey or Lebanon
> since it takes substantial sums to pay for a trip on a boat, even as it
> entails terrible risks. 

  Have you asked any of them? 

  It is rater correct to assume that they came right of the refugee camps in 
Turkey, seeing a chance to get out of harms way and to a safe place, since they 
saw the success of other refugees trying the long sea route from Libya to 
Lampedusa. And worried by the change in policy by the Turkish government to 
actively intervene in the Syrian civil war (and against the Turkish und Syrian 
Kurds at the same time). But this is also just speculation. 

  Fact is that, while in the current wave of refugees trying to reach Germany 
those from Syria seem to be a majority, but there are also lots of other 
countries, namely Iraq and Afghanistan. All from countries which had been 
militarily attacked by US imperialism. 

  And a central observation has to be stressed, namely that this mass movement 
had overcome the border police of Makedonia, Hungary, Austria and Germany, just 
by their sheer numers. They have proven the power of the mass movement. 

  And they have show that and how the masses put forward their own leaders, 
those who took the initiative to walk from Budapest to the Austrian border, 
having been abused by the treachery of the right-wing hungarian government. 

  Those Syrians who took the lead chose not to take part in the Syrian civil 
war for a government acceptable to imperialism, but showed themselves capable 
of leading mass movement. 

Lüko Willms
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