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“But where will you get arms for the whole proletariat?” object once more
the sceptics who mistake their own inner futility for an objective
impossibility. They forgot that the same question has been posed before
every revolution in history. And despite everything, victorious revolutions
mark important stages in the development of humanity.

The proletariat produces arms, transports them, erects the buildings in
which they are kept, defends these buildings against itself, serves in the
army and creates all its equipment. It is neither locks nor walls which
separate the proletariat from arms, but the habit of submission, the
hypnosis of class domination and nationalist poison.

It is sufficient to destroy these psychological walls – and no wall of
stone will stand in the way. It is enough that the proletariat should want
arms – and it will find them. The task of the revolutionary party is to
awaken this desire and to facilitate its realization.


> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 3:42 PM, John Reimann via Marxism <
> marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
> >
> > In the first place, we have to define what we mean by "gun control". Are
> we
> > talking about prohibiting nearly all gun ownership? Are we simply talking
> > about limiting ownership of certain kinds of guns? How about limiting
> open
> > carry or concealed carry?
> >
> > The left wing (and also right wing) opposition to gun controls of any
> sort
> > based on having to be able to stand up to state violence is ridiculous.
> > It's like the Native Americans trying to stand up to Gatling guns with
> bows
> > and arrows.
> >
> > But there is the violence of the right. For instance, there was the case
> of
> > Robert F Williams ("Negroes with Guns" author and practitioner in N.
> > Carolina) and the Deacons for Defense of Justice in Louisiana in the
> 60s. I
> > think we would absolutely defend their right to carry arms.
> >
> > But I am inclined to oppose open carry as well as concealed weapon carry
> > for nearly anybody. I'm imagining a strike situation in which scabs are
> > legally armed and an attempt is made to stop them. Yes, possibly strikers
> > would be armed also, but in almost all such cases the strikers are
> > generally hesitant to initiate the violence whereas the scabs are not.
> And
> > I most definitely oppose the proposed legislation which would allow
> > residents of a concealed carry legal state to come into one where it is
> > illegal carrying a concealed weapon. We know who would be crossing state
> > lines for that.
> >
> > John
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