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"You don't like the fact that the BDS demands are compatible with
Democratic Zionism?  Too bad."

Comrades should know, of course, the BDS demands are totally incompatible
with Zionism, as is democracy. Here is the original 2005 BDS statement:
https://bdsmovement.net/call. Sheldon Ranz' bigotry closely resembles the
kind of whitewash that Theodore Herzl tried to present to dishonestly build
support from leftists while privately being unabashed about his desire to
colonize land. As comrades can see from Sheldon Ranz other post explaining
his ideology <http://socialistcurrents.org/?p=2914>, the reason he thinks
BDS liberalism is compatible with his racist ideology is for the same
reason he thinks his racist ideology is liberal. These are the ideas that
are taught in Israeli government-sponsored civics classes. It is complete
nonsense. It is like someone arguing that white supremacy is compatible
with Martin Luther King by sanitizing white supremacy as a liberal idea.

And of course, despite Sheldon's bizarre comments it is important for
comrades to call out those who put themselves in charge of leaderless
movements.There is absolutely nothing supportive about Sheldon's
statements. They are openly racist. They defend the rights of Palestinians
by saying they won't actually be implemented. Even assuming that it is true
as a strategic matter, there is absolutely no reason that someone on the
Left, let alone someone involved with the Palestine solidarity movement,
should be validating the notion that there is something wrong with
Palestinians returning to present-day Israel. Imagine someone who puts
himself in charge of the immigrants rights movement and then gives speeches
saying "Don't worry immigrants won't actually come here so go ahead and
keep being xenophobic, it's totally fine". That is quite literally what
Sheldon argues about the "tricky" demand that Palestinians be entitled to
return to their own lands without being stopped by a colonial border.

Those of you who followed the controversy about the Chicago Dyke March know
that it was, in fact, slanderous, as I documented here:

We should question why someone who pretends to support Palestine as a
"Zionist" would defend the smears of a self-declared pro-Israel lobbyist
who has literally done the same thing multiple times. For example, the
woman who lied about the Chicago Dyke March also falsely claimed that
leftists disrupted a Jewish prayer service when they actually disrupted a
pro-Israel lobbying reception:

Whether it comes from active Zionist advocates or Zionist "allies" like
Sheldon Ranz, it should be rejected. I don't even know why I would have to
argue this on a Marxist list-serv. Zionists are not friends of the left,
they are racist poison and if Sheldon's comments about Palestinians had
been made about Jews there would be no ambiguity about how unwelcome he
should be.

Amith R. Gupta

On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 10:29 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> On 3/29/18 10:06 AM, Sheldon Ranz via Marxism wrote:
>> Louis Proyect and I have both pointed out in past threads here your, to
>> put
>> it charitably, hostile attitudes toward Jews.
> Huh? I did no such thing.
> Frankly, my only concern about Mear One's mural is not that the threat it
> poses to the Jews but to the left. I get angry over Corbyn's lack of
> defense, to put it into a sports context, not over his supposedly
> encouraging pogroms. If you really want to understand what anti-Semitism
> can do, go see the movie "A Bag of Marbles" about 2 boys who denied being
> Jewish during the Vichy regime.
> My main interest is in building the left. That is why I write criticisms
> of ultraleftism, such as embodied in the "punch a Nazi" tropes or George
> C-M's appearances on the Tucker Carlson show.
> I am absolutely in favor of Corbyn becoming the Prime Minister of England.
> Anything that gets in the way has to be moved aside. He has surrounded
> himself with the conspiracy-mongering louts of the Stop the War Coalition.
> They are not acting as the proper antenna he needs to ward off these
> threats. In fact, they serve as blinders.
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