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Sad to see MROnline serving as a propaganda outlet for the mass murder that took place in Douma in December. I blame John Bellamy Foster and his Rasputin aide John Mage for hiring someone with the same rancid politics as Yoshie Furuhashi. I guess the only saving grace is that at least he or she does include some useful posts. In seven years of genocidal war, Monthly Review has not published a single article on Syria. Instead it has allowed the current online auxiliary outlet and the one that Yoshie ran to crosspost the worst kind of garbage. Rick Sterling's article linked below appeared on Mint Press, a tawdry publication that was notorious for its article blaming East Ghouta rebels in 2013 for gassing their own families through the accidental mishandling of sarin as if they were the Three Stooges tossing around bottles. A few days after the article appeared, the reporter under whose name it appeared demanded its retraction since she had nothing to do with it. I doubt that Foster or Mage have given much thought to Syria. At least Foster is spending his time productively researching and writing about ecosocialism. On the other hand, Mage, who serves on the editorial board and has never written a single article in the last decade, is a worthless individual with no saving graces.

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