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> An oversimplification as to the outcome of the SDS evolution.  The 
> disintegration of the SDS in 1969, in addition to giving birth to the 
> Weatherman also gave birth to the Maoism in the U.S. - the RCP coming out of 
> the disintegration and the PLP augmenting its numbers out of the split off, 
> not directly being absorbed in American society  but first through a "turn to 
> industry," a decade before the SWP followed in their footsteps.
> Historically, what the SDS actually did was all over the map.  If memory 
> serves they led only one national anti-war mobilization, in 1965, and then 
> took a turn toward fighting poverty.
> Am not sure how big a role SDS played in the student demonstrations that 
> shook the country in 1969-1970.  By that time, the organization had largely 
> gone through its supernova phase.  The SMC and others probably played a 
> bigger role than the SDS detritus that hadn't gone underground or into 
> industry.
> Having said all of that, no one could have predicted at the time of the Port 
> Huron statement the ultimate destination of the SDS, much less its many 
> twists and turns.  I think the same holds true with the current version of 
> the DSA.  The organization is five years into its current phase and likely is 
> going to face its biggest challenge` at the conclusion of the Sanders 
> candidacy, regardless of the outcome.  Hard to see its growth at the pace we 
> have seen, but that doesn't mean there won't be splits or new organizations 
> arising from whatever happens.  SR 
> > On February 3, 2020 at 9:03 AM Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:
> > 
> > This is the SDS that had a lot in common with the DSA, especially 
> > through its connections to the League for Industrial Democracy. By 1967, 
> > that SDS no longer existed. Between 1967 and 1970, it was the SDS I was 
> > referring to. It led campus protests that shook the USA to its 
> > foundations. When those protests did not end the war, they resorted to 
> > urban guerrilla warfare but only a small fraction of SDS took part in 
> > that. Most SDSers became absorbed into American society and probably 
> > evolved into the liberals of the 1964 SDS variety.  Bill Ayers is the 
> > most well-known of them.
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