> Anybody who cares to examine the facts knows that Stalin's "Great
> Patriotic War" was not waged with internationalist principles and the
> official policy of the USSR unleashed a war against German civilians.
> The terror was imposed with the institutionally sanctioned mass rape
> of German females of all ages.

With all due respect, I think your characterization of the unsavory quality of 
the Soviet struggle against Nazi aggression is greatly exaggerated.  While it 
may indeed have resembled the "approach of the Western allies" as it quite 
openly was, I think your assertion that there was mass rape of German citizens 
as a matter of Soviet government policy is flawed.  I'd like to see some 
evidence for that assertion.  True there were atrocities committed in East 
Prussia by soviet troops committed in the spirit of retaliation and a pathetic 
flood of refugees that a French SS collaborator in "The Sorrow and the Pity" 
said made June 1940 look like a picnic. 


While idealized fairy tales of historical events should certainly be debunked, 
polemics that create, or appear to create, a moral equivalency between the 
Allies and the Axis or between the Soviets and the Nazis are misguided and 
simply wrong.  Like the U.S. Civil War in the previous century, WW2 was a 
fundamental struggle between the forces of progress and reaction.  Does that 
mean the "better" side that it was absolutely necessary prevail was perfect?  
Obviously not as the real world is never perfect. Does that mean there was no 
difference between them, as so many liberal and social democratic pharisees 
carp on was the case in Spain?  No.  Hey, 25 MILLION soviet people died in 
World War 2 which in fact was and is viewed-rightly-by a whole section of the 
masses there as a just "Great Patriotic War" of which they are rightly proud 
which by no means was "Stalin's" alone, in fact in the summer of 1941 he fully 
expected to ousted but the rest of the leadership felt they needed to retain 
him as a national symbol.   Moreover, while I'm not an enthusiast of Trotsky 
and his epigones, the attitude reflected by these comments-at least as to the 
USSR-was not one that he shared.


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