I'm not sure that's true and I've always been troubled by this "Monday morning 
quarterback" left sectarian outlook because it focuses so much on the 
Stalinists and the Left, thereby unwittingly shifting the onus away from the 
fascists.  Look, say someone negligently leaves their door unlocked resulting 
in their whole family being murdered by thugs.  Do we incessantly harp at one 
of the victim's negligence  with only a glib passing reference to the deeds of 
the actual perpetrators?  Thus this also sets up folks-and I'm definitely not 
talking about anyone involved in this discussion who I know are good people-for 
the accusation by "Stalinists" that their critics are neo-con cavalier 
philistines acting in bad faith in the manner of the original neo-cons like 
Burnam, Kristol the Elder and Sidney Hook who quickly went from ostensible 
trots to cold warriors with the same script of anti-Stalinist mongering. 


I remember this whole script playing out around Chile with the sectarian left 
focusing on bashing Allende, who certainly had his faults, but this attitude 
unwittingly aided Pinochet by strongly implying that he and his followers were 
pathetic chumps that got what chumps get on the street.



. . . fascism would never have come to power in Germany without 
> the policies of the Stalin dominated Comintern.

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