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2009/12/16 S. Artesian <sartes...@earthlink.net:

"As I asked before-- where is there one word in this that identifies the
supposedly Communist party as distinct, different from any number of
liberal, and conservative, organizations, with a distinctly different class
perspective, and class program?"

Why don't do your job before making such superficial claims. The purpose of
Louis was surely not to provoke such a superficial debate. So be serious and
do your research on the issues you wish to express your opinion. To the
question you raise there may be an answer in the CPUSA's program.

According to my research the tactical and strategic perspective of CPUSA
seems to follow a three-step stage toward socialism:

1st; everyday politics (job creation etc)
2nd; fight back the extreme-right wing advance for 30 years;
3rd; socialism.

You can criticise this perspective for being not adequate but you cannot
claim that there is no word that identifies communist party as distinct from
liberals and conservatives. Do liberals and conservatives have a party
programme that describes their way (road) to socialism? So you should know
people you criticise before you do so.
Dogan Göcmen
Author of The Adam Smith Problem:
Reconciling Human Nature and Society in
The Theory of Moral Sentiments and Wealth of Nations, I. B. Tauris,
London&New York 2007
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