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sartesian:"1. Somebody posts a piece asking if the moderator would, based on 
content of the piece, bounce the author.

2. Apparently, the poster thinks the piece is of such quality, content, 
substance, that it belongs on a discussion list of explicitly Marxist 
adherents. It is logical then to examine the piece for anything that would 
qualify it as Marxist."
And that issue is whether this list should constructed on a such a dogmatic, 
circumsribed, sectarian basis.  There are plenty of such venues around, I 
thought the point of this one was to be different.  If you think someone is 
liberal or whatever, then explain why and why that's bad before we just 
"bounce" or otherwise demonize people.  Sure I know full well what marxist 
dogma is having had it rammed down my throat since an early age.  It doesn't 
mean I have to agree with it, particularly when my experiences in the real 
world-where I have encountered view, if any, "marxists" in decades- and my 
canine intuition don't jibe with it.

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