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2009/12/16 Einde O'Callaghan <eind...@freenet.de:

"Norman Paech isn't a member of the CPUSA but of the German DIE LINKE. He
was a member of the Bundestag until the last election when he didn't
stand for selection again. He was one of the spokespersons on
international affairs - and is also a renowned expert on constitutional

I know very well who Norman Paech is. He is by the way not an expert in
constitutionla law but in international law.
I should know who my professor in international law was. If you took time to
click on the link I provided you would have seen that in the editorial
Norman Paech is presented as a member of German "Left Party".

Therea are two reasons why I referred to this analysis of Paech. The claim
on the list made was that there was not a single word on the website of
CPUSA. It shows there was. Second and more importantly in the report of Sam
Webb to the national commitee of the CPUSA there is a reference to this
paper. So it does not really matter whether Paech is a member or not of
CPUSA. What is important is that his analysis seems to have an international
impact, so also on CPUSA.

Dogan Göcmen
Author of The Adam Smith Problem:
Reconciling Human Nature and Society in
The Theory of Moral Sentiments and Wealth of Nations, I. B. Tauris,
London&New York 2007
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