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Well there was certainly more than three degrees of separation between Mao
and Chaing Kai Shek and the Japanese imperialists.  William Hinton and other
observers, including the US' "Dixie Mission" to the 8th Route Army
documented the great changes going on in Chinese society under the aegis of
the Red Army at the time of the revolution and how starkly that contrasted
with life under the KMT.

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 5:00 PM, <sobuadha...@hushmail.com> wrote:

> I would certainly agree with you on the epochal
> part but I have it on good authority here that there
> really was no Chinese revolution. In fact Mao Zedong
> represented merely 3 degrees of separation from
> Deng Xiaoping meaning the the Chinese embrace of
> capitalism from the 1990's on was an inevitable product
> of the revolution that never happened. There are details
> about the average size of land holdings by peasants in
> Northern China which I will be happy to send you off list.
> Please pay attention comrade and read the posts on China
> more carefully
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