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Cindy Sheehan has become a conscious socialist and has a new and fresh
socialist message. I don't believe she would consider a presidential
campaign if she were not to run as a socialist, nor would I recommend it.

Cindy would be an energetic, well-spoken candidate. Her explanation of
socialism would not be in the least bit academic, but would speak directly
to every bill-paying worker who's pissed off about how things are going. Her
credentials as a leader in the struggle for peace cannot be called into
question. And she is uncompromisingly opposed to Obama.

That doesn't mean that such a campaign can be organized successfully.
Sheehan has a lot of friends and supporters, but at this time they are not
organized in any coherent fashion. The support of the organized socialist
groups would be a great advantage.

Louis has registered his opinion against such a campaign. Duly noted, and
thank you, Louis. Frankly, my opinion is that a united socialist campaign
would depend on a candidate with as much to bring to the table as Cindy
Sheehan, if not Sheehan herself. A strong and energetic candidate, able to
communicate clearly and forthrightly, with credentials earned in the
struggle, would go a long way toward overcoming any problems with the "s"
word. Without such a candidate, such a campaign would be worthy of support,
but would not accomplish very much.

If such a campaign is going to happen, we have to begin planning now. And
those, like Louis, who think it's a crummy idea should do the best they can
to talk us out of it. I promise I'll listen, and I won't be afraid to change
my mind.


-----Original Message-----
From: marxism-bounces+biastg=embarqmail....@lists.econ.utah.edu
[mailto:marxism-bounces+biastg=embarqmail....@lists.econ.utah.edu] On Behalf
Of Mark Lause
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 8:32 PM
To: Thomas Bias
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Obama is not a Wimp

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Look, we understand what the "proletariat," the "bourgeois," and a
"communist" is in the Marxist lexicon. If the terms create an obstacle for
understanding the basic concept, they're inessential.  The point is to build
the biggest battering ram we can to use at the two-party structure and do it
some damage.

There's no reason, of course, why we can't educate about Marxism within a
broader movement.

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