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The "delicate balancing act" requiring the "grasp of Marxism and 
revolutionary history" shows that the support has to go to those 
organizations outside the government that can become nodes of class-wide 

I've read Mariategui closely, several times.  I find nothing in his writings 
that argues for support of a government like Morales, much less a state like 

Sure we have to put Morales in context-- part of that context is his, and 
the MAS, history of lagging behind the movement in Bolivia.  Part of the 
context with MAS in Bolivia as with the ANC in South Africa is that, to the 
bourgeoisie, the alternatives were not viable at that time, and they need to 
buy a lot of time, which MAS and ANC are selling them.

Part of that context is the Morales' governments open embrace of  state 

As for Morales being the first indigenous president--well, yes and no--  
Barrientos was of Quecheua and Spanish background, spoke Quechua, liked to 
appear in indigenous dress etc etc, appealed to and was quite popular with 
the indigenous peasantry of the Cochabamba.  Didn't stop him from 
suppressing miners' strikes.

And try this:  Obama is the first African-American president in a country 
that has oppressed African-Americans for 400 years.

The problem here, the issues here, are you cannot abstract, or separate the 
MAS government from the Bolivian state, despite the pledges of allegiance to 
socialism from the military generals.  You cannot abstract that state from 
the economy of Bolivia.

Speaking of the socialist generals-- are they all resigning their 
commissions, capping their salaries at no more than that of the highest paid 
sergeant, foregoing all privileges regarding housing, transportation, etc, 
reorganizing their branches along socialist principles, with the military 
seeking to dissolve itself through the organization of workers' militias?

More than all that, can anyone point to the defeat of capitalism, the 
success of the "delicate balancing act" by supporting Morales-type 
governments in Latin America?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Louis Proyect" <l...@panix.com> 

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