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Sorry, Greg.  I don't see what's obviously materialist about blue-skying
about the motives and psyche of someone none of know.

We might as well be trying to psychoanalyze Howdy Doody.

For my two cents, I'd be flabberghasted if Loughner was actually goaded by
his understanding of the _Manifesto_ or _Mein Kampf_.  Indeed, I see
absolutely no evidence that he ever actually read these things, and a strong
indication that he did not read either of them...  Otherwise, I doubt he'd
have tossed them into the same buffalo chip salad.

Most likely, he found them to be verbal irritants he used to shock, impress
and get attention from his peers.  Everybody's whose taught for any period
of time has probably encountered students like this.  While I was in grad
school, one of my professors in Chicago--a Jewish historian of Germany--had
a student who used to argue about the Nazis the way some of the would-be
ancestor-worshippers of the Lost Cause talk about the Confederacy as a
multicultural grass roots movement against Federal regulation.  When the
class spent a session on Nazi propaganda films, this guy showed up for class
in an SS uniform.

A friend of mine who taught English had a student who came up to him several
times and told him that he had an irritating voice and that he (the student)
was going to shoot him.....

There are mentally disturbed people out there and who knows what's going to
set them off or how they're going to express their being set off....

The bigger questions about Tucson are those I've posed earlier...but we're
probably beating a dead horse here...

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