"Charles F. Moreira" wrote:

> George G wrote:
> > This is just a test. I have gotten only about 1 message from the ML list
> > a few days, and one that I sent out to the list was returnred to me as
> > undeliverable.
> >
> > George
> >
> I am experiencing the same thing George.  Messages are very sparse.
> Fraternally,
> Klo

I checked the server and just released six messages and approved three
applications for subscription.

I've sent a message to the moderators on these problems and also about
problems of  a lack of enthusiasm and sustainability of discussion on this
list, which has become more of a posting board for political news,
statements and commentaries with very occassional discussion like what's
been going on between Klo and Harry Steele about Webb's statement.

More in this matter later.



            Your assessment is correct.  It has, indeed, drifted into a news posting list.  Where are Jim Hillier, Sven, bon moun, and many others?  Are they still with us?

PS.  I got the following message from Barry Stoller.  Does anyone have any info regarding the orientation of his list.  Barry sounds pretty good.



Your post to the Marxist-Leninist list about anti-monopoly tactics (re:
CPUSA) was brilliant. Cut quick to the real problem among the left and
quasi-left today: petty-bourgoeis mentality radicalized in the rhetoric
of anarchism.

While Marxists acknowledge the dialectical movement of centralized
capitalism INTO collectivized ownership of the means of production,
today's 'populist' opposition to capitalism is, alas, confined to an
anti-CORPORATISM which, with little encouragement, opposes collectivized
socialism with as much vitriol.

I am forwarding your essay to my debate forum, downwithcapitalism,
address below, in the hopes of promulgating your fine presentation of
this problem.

Please visit, subscribe or participate:


Barry Stoller


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