Partija rada wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles F. Moreira
> Date: 26 March, 2001 9:38 AM
> Subject: Re: [MLL]Test
> >Klo,
> >
> >Thanks for your assessment and the commentary by Barry Stoller which is
> >interesting and which I'll have to study in greater detail later.
> >
> >>             Your assessment is correct.  It has, indeed, drifted into a
> >news
> >> posting list.  Where are Jim Hillier, Sven, bon moun, and many others?
> >Are
> >> they still with us?
> >
> >With regards discussions on this list, I've been wondering whether we
> should
> >have discussions dealing with contemporary issues like the one you, Steele
> >and Stoller are discussing with references back to the classics and
> >contemporary writings?
> >
> >Have we been discussing theoretical and historical issues in a vacuum which
> >results in people quickly losing interest in continuing the thread of the
> >discussion?
> >
> >On the other hand, is this a common occurrence on most lists, since I
> >haven't received anything from the Cuba Si list since the 22nd, though
> >activity on the Stalinskaya list appears to be picking up?
> >
> >Could a lack of list activity be because with the current slowdown in the
> >economy, collapse of dotcom companies, retrenchments in the information
> >technology and Internet industries, people simply have less time to spend
> on
> >lists like this?
> >
> >Any ideas??
> >
> >Charles
> I have an idea. Do you people can imagine how it looks like to non-speaking
> English to read long discussions? I do not say that we do not need
> discussions. I just say that is hard for most of us to participate on the
> list on the way which we would like just because English is not our
> language.
> Milan

You seem to speak English pretty well to me.  I have no doubt you are doing a
much better job with English than I could with your language, so please bear
with us.



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