
Le 2016-09-18 22:56, Jim Diamond a écrit :
> Hi,
> I used to use materm and liked it a lot, but eventually the lack of
> UTF support made it unusable for me.
> IIRC the current effort is heading in that direction, and that is
> great.

I just want to make things clear: as far as I know (i.e. unless someone 
else is working on a local branch and not merging), there is no "current 
effort". There was an effort, indeed by myself, to have actual support 
for UTF-* (or to be more accurate to be any-encoding-friendly). But this 
effort strike is long gone. Since then, I went on a years-long wandering 
around the world and had to stop active contributions to FLOSS. Now I 
started again, but mrxvt is not my priority project anymore.

And I have to be clear: since for me as well, UTF-8 is mandatory (as I 
said, year-long wandering. In the meantime, I lived in Japan, Korea and 
crossed many other countries), I don't use mrxvt as my main terminal 
anymore either. I'd love to, and I'd love to have the time to work on 
better encoding support again, but I just can't make the time.
I'm not even sure of the quality of my code on this UTF-8 branch 
anymore. That was years ago, and the first thing I'd do if I were to 
work on this again would be to check what I had been doing and where I 
was hoping to go with this.

So don't hold your breath waiting for UTF support. That's what I want to 

Now I keep love for mrxvt and I'd rather it not go completely to waste, 
which is why I take the time to keep it afloat, but hoping that someone 
will come up and take over. The first steps would be to make 
contributions (we regularly have people asking to take over without even 
showing any code. I'd like the opposite: show us some patches that we 
accept, and then we will gladly give ownership).

> I realize there are things to be said for "one thing at a time", but
> if there is a wish-list available, I'd like to add this.

It looks like there is no much development effort in mrxvt, only 
maintenance effort (we fix bugs and merge external contributions). So 
the wish-list is just a wish itself.

Let the word out though: if anyone wants to work on mxvt and make 
development alive again, we are really interested!


> The last time I used mrxvt, it did not use X resources.  I found this
> to be a major pain, given the number of systems I use (with different
> screen sizes and resolutions) on a daily basis.  Playing around with
> keeping different config files up to date in different places was some
> sort of shell game for me, and much more difficult than doing it the
> standard X way.  Any chance of having the new and improved materm use
> X resources?
> Thanks.
>                                 Jim
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