On 7/5/07, Carl Worth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks, John, for sharing this essay. Please allow me to respond to a
> few points:

Hey Carl -- thanks for the response.  You have definitely made me
reconsider some of my arguments, though my conclusion mostly remains
intact.   At the end of the day, it is a fact that almost all of the
significant software for scientific computing in python is BSD
compatible and GPL averse.  This in part stems from the position of
enthought, who make very substantial contributions to scientific
computing in python (scipy, chaco, traits, envisage, tvtk, the annual
conference...) and it is my understanding that they do need to release
closed source applications built on top of their open source
libraries.  In the past I have had similar ambitions, and one day may
again, so I too am GPL averse.

I have no objection to proprietary, closed source software in the
commercial domain as many in the free software world do, with the
notable exception that I think scientific computing should be done
with open source software.  I wrote mpl as part of a suite of tools to
replace proprietary EEG software (dongle and all) because work done
with that software is only reproducible if you have the 50 thousand
dollar dongle.  There is a particular ideology with the free software
foundation that all software must be free that many in the scientific
computing community in python do not support.  In this community, I
think most people prefer open source software because they like to
build their own tools, see what is going on under the hood, and fix it
if it is broken.  There is also the compelling argument, in principle
though not in practice,  that open algorithms and code is required by
peer review.  And as coding science geeks who might actually do
something one day that will also pay off in dollar terms, I think many
of us want to leave open the possibility of building a proprietary
product built on these tools, and the GPL is somewhat incompatible
with these ambitions.

> I would guess you'll find that quite difficult in many cases,
> (I don't agree that the GPL is most often chosen without intention
> just because it is "famous").

Well, we certainly have had some success with it and we have had
people respond, "you're right, I just picked it because it was the
only thing I'd heard of".  The target audience here is a grad student
releasing some technical suite of algorithms that they happen to be
world experts in -- they are more scientists than coders -- and are
not nearly as deep into this world as we are.  This is their first
significant coding project and they want to share their algorithms,
and often they release it as GPL.  We pounce on them and say, "What
about BSD, so it will play more nicely with scipy and friends?".  And
by and large that is successful.  This is not a pitch aimed at mature
projects with multiple contributors, where you are certainly right,
getting a switch would be almost impossible.

> You only bring the LGPL up at the end of your essay as almost an
> afterthought and dismiss it with a very vague, "but many companies are
> still loath to use it out of legal concerns". Do you have actual
> evidence to point to for that?

I think LGPL is a perfectly good license which satisfies most of my
objections.  Eric Jones of enthought has said he is reluctant to use
LGPL code.  I get the general sense that he simply doesn't want to
risk a legal battle with the FSF, which may not be entirely rational,
but their zealotry on some of these issues may simply scare some of
the people in the commercial space.  Perhaps you are right that the
better answer for the scientific computing community in python is to
reconsider the LGPL stance in scipy, but until that happens, and it is
not my decision and I view it as unlikely, the best thing for this
community is to use a set of compatible licenses in which we can share
code, and the fact remains that we cannot include any LGPL code in our
code unless we want our code to be LGPL as well.  Sometimes I just
want to rip out a small algorithm from a library and insert it into
mpl, without having to bring in the entire library as a dependency.
Unless I want my code to be LGPL, I can't do that.

When I get some time, I'll update my essay, which was really just an
email posted on the scipy site but is now an essay <wink>, and
incorporate some of your other very good arguments as well.


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