On 7/12/07, Eric Firing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Hunter wrote:

> Do all the backend devices or libraries we *need* now support compound
> paths (1) at all, and (2) in a consistent enough way to solve the
> contouring problem as well as to make something like polygon collections
> more efficient?
> I guess this is really part of a larger question about the degree to
> which the various graphics drawing models have converged with a rich
> intersection of capabilities, including arbitrary text rotation, precise
> text positioning, arcs, bezier curves, etc.

Yes, I think they do, though we will encounter some differences
between spline handling that might make some of the path stuff tricky.
 We need agg, cairo, svg, ps and pdf, all of which use vector
graphics.  We would need to sacrifice native GDK and WX, which would
inconvenience some but these users could certainly get by with GTK* or
WX*.  One reason a few still use native GTK is because it is faster,
but this would likely disappear with some intelligent design.  One
might envision just three or four fundamental objects which the
backends need to understand.


and maybe use a stateful graphics context (linewidth, facecolor, etc...)

numpify everything,  traitify everything and rebuild the
transformation architecture from scratch.  Borrowing some language
from ipython, this would truly be a "chainsaw" branch.

I'm halfway inclined to take a crack at it......


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