On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:54 AM, Andrew Straw<straw...@astraw.com> wrote:

>> But would this also make the spine have the larger limits?  Basically,
>> I want know if the spines can be used to create Tufte-style
>> range-frames.  Am I correct in thinking that these spines provide that?
> Although I don't have a precise definition of "Tufte-style range
> frame"to go by, I think my intention was to do exactly what you're after.

One thing you want with range frames is to have the length of the
spine equal the span of your dataset.  Can we currently or with not
too much effort define the line segment of the spine to be in data
coords?  Then we could make the axes as wide as we want with the ylim
to maintain the clipping region, but the spine would cover just the
span of the data (or whatever the user specified) rather than always
being ymin...ymax if it is defined as 0..1 in axes coords.


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