On Apr 5, 2007, at 6:27 AM, John Hunter wrote:

> On 4/5/07, belinda thom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My app needs to look something like this:
>> ------
>> create a game and display it in a matplotlib figure
>> while game not over :
>>     if its player 1's turn, get player 1's valid mouse input,
>> otherwise get player 2's
> You need to get out of the mold of thinking about while loops with
> blocking input.  Instead make everything event driven and track state
> variables to decide which player's mouse events to process.  So
> instead of getting a blocking input, simply do nothing on events
> unless you are in a certain state.  You can use a timer or an idle
> handler for recurring processing rather than a while loop.

This was the kind of advice I was looking for. Being so new to  
Python, I hadn't a clue what to look for.

I do think its valuable to be able to write a blocking mouse  
function. After your pointer to Timer (which led me to the threading  
Python library) and idle handler (which I didn't find useful doc on,  
so didn't persue), I came up with the code I'll append below. My  
printing of time elapsed seems to imply the thing is working as I'd  
expect (I see times that differ by about 1 second). Problem is, I  
still get the twirling wheel of deadness on my Mac that led me to  
post my original message.

And then I got Chris's great reply, which makes me wonder if I'm  
trying to do too much.

I've been using pyrorobotics, which relies heavily on Tk, but their  
plotting facilities are not great. So I started using matplotlib and  
really like it. And I ran into problems w/their Tk interface where  
windows wouldn't update correctly on the mouse unless the mouse was  
clicked in the window. Found some stuff via google implying this was  
some nasty bug on Mac, didn't find an easy work around, so now try to  
use matplotlib whenever possible, which explains my current path to  
trying to use it to provide a simple graphic interface to a python  
Connect 4 game that I wrote so my students can have fun writing  
"smart" game players in my AI course.

In Matlab, I'm used to building applications, so I was hoping it  
would be possible to do something similar in matplotlib. Perhaps  
matplotlib is not currently set up for such things (in which case I'd  
like to ask if this is something you'd like to include in the future).

Thanks again,


class Mouse :
     def __init__(self,f,cb) :
         self.data = None
         self.cb = cb
         def getClick(event) :
             self.data = event.xdata

def blockMouse(f,rng) :
     import threading
     import time
     startTime = time.time()
     e = threading.Event()
     def cb() :
     m = Mouse(f,cb)
     def valid(val,rng) :
         print "time elapsed is %g" % (time.time()-startTime)
         if val == None :
             return False
         for i in rng :
             if i-.4 <= val <= i+.4 :
                 return True
         return False
     # poll til valid
     while True :
         if valid(m.data,rng) :
             m.data = None
     return m.data

def app() :
     import pylab
     f = pylab.figure()
     rng = [1,2,3]
     while True :
         mouse = blockMouse(f, rng)
         if mouse == 2 :
         else :
             print mouse

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