Bernhard Voigt wrote:
> I've been trying to use the STIXGeneral font that comes with
> matplotlib (my version is 0.91.1). It's rendered ok on the screen,
> however, when saving the fig as an eps file my postscript processor
> (ghostscript) can't read the font information included in the eps file
> (ps.fonttype 42 in config file).

I can reproduce that problem here.  As a workaround, however, 
ps.fonttype 3 seems to work for me, plus has the advantage of a much 
smaller eps file.

> I wonder if it's a bug in the
> conversion to ttf, that has been applied to the STIX font.

Possibly.  It could also be a buffer overflow, since that font is on the 
large side.  I'll have to look into that.

> Saving to
> pdf format works, but the ticklabels are not rendered correctly,
> there's too much space between the glyphs and they are overlapping
> with the axes. The title looks good, though.

The PDF from looks fine to me.  Can you send a short 
plot that exhibits this behavior?


Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA

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