Bernhard Voigt wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> attatched is my matplotlibrc file.
> The plot was from some data, but i principle it was crated like that:
> import pylab as p
> import numpy as n
> p.hist(-1 * n.log10(n.random.uniform(size=10000)), 40)
> p.xlabel('$\mathrm{log_{10}(E/GeV)}$')
> p.ylabel('counts')
> p.title('energy spectrum')
> p.savefig('foo.pdf')
> p.savefig('foo.eps')
> I can report that the rendering of the pdf file is correct, when I set
> the pdf.fonttype to 3. Than everything looks good :-)

Well, I was able to fix the spacing problem with PDF+Type42.  That has 
now been fixed in SVN r4915 (and on the maintenance branch).  It's a 
simple patch that I'll forward to you.

> At home, using another gs version (8.15.0, instead of 8.15.2) also the
> eps is ok with ps.fonttype 3, though the one with fonttype 42 is still
> erroneous.

It's always fun when an external dependency breaks something... ;)  I 
only have the fairly old gs 7.07, and it seems to always work with type 
3, and sometimes break with type 42.  Can you do me a favor to save me 
the trouble of having to install a bunch of versions of ghostscript? 
Can you send me an eps of the same plot produced through gs 8.15.0 and 
8.15.2?  I hope that by examining the differences there will be some 
clue as to the breakage.


> Thanks! Bernhard
> On Jan 31, 2008 4:45 PM, Michael Droettboom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Can you send the source of your plot, and also your matplotlibrc file?
>> Bernhard Voigt wrote:
>> --
>> Michael Droettboom
>> Science Software Branch
>> Operations and Engineering Division
>> Space Telescope Science Institute
>> Operated by AURA for NASA

Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA

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