Matthias Michler wrote:
> I'm not sure that I understand you correctly. The code I refering is the one 
> which I attached some mails ago. The following works for me:

Ah, okay, to get the problem I was having, change your script as follows:

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> from pylab import *
 > from datetime import datetime
> from time import sleep
> ion()                     # interactive mode 'on'
> figure()
> ax = subplot(111, autoscale_on=True)
> x, y = [], [0]
> line = plot(x, y, label="my_data")[0]      
>                                     # get the line-object as the first 
> element 
>                                     # of the tuple returned by plot
> legend()
> for i in arange(30):
>     x.append(           # append new values
>     y.append(i**2)
>     line.set_data(x,y)    # reset data
>     ax.relim()            # reset axes limits
>     ax.autoscale_view()   # rescale axes
>     draw()                # redraw current figure
>     sleep(0.3)            # wait 0.3 seconds
> ioff()
> show()

So, basically make the x axis time instead of numbers.
I think the problem is actually that the daets are quite long in their 
format. If they were rotated through 90 degress it'd likely be fine.
How would I do this?

Also, how would I get this kind of updating with bar charts or errorbars?



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