>Dear Shri, 
>Thank you. 
>For each bus the jacobian is stored in the way you mentioned?


J = [dP1_dVa1 .. dP1_dVan dP1_dVm1 .. dP1_dVmn
             :                                                          :
       dPn_dVa1 .. dPn_dVan dPn_dVm1 .. dPn_dVmn
       dQ1_dVa1 .. dQ1_dVan dQ1_dVm1 .. dQ1_dVmn
            :                                                             :
        dQn_dVa1 .. dQn_dVan dQn_dVm1 .. dQn_dVmn ]

For rows, all the real power mismatch equations are ordered first followed
all the reactive power mismatch equations. For columns, all the voltage
angles are first followed by voltage magnitudes.

>But how would I extract it, for example in the 9 bus system if I want the
>4th element of each jacobian matrix for all 9 busses which elements will
>this be in the full jacobian matrix?

Please read some MATLAB tutorial on accessing elements from a matrix.


>Sent from my iPhone
>> On 3 Jun 2015, at 02:26, "Abhyankar, Shrirang G." <abhy...@anl.gov>
>> The Jacobian is stored in a sparse matrix format. The Jacobian values
>> displayed are all zeros.
>> MATPOWER orders the Jacobian as follows:
>> J = [dP_dVa   dP_dVm
>>       dQ_dVa  dQ_dVm]
>> where P and Q are the real and reactive power mismatch equations and Va,
>> Vm are the voltage angles and magnitudes of the buses. The size of the
>> Jacobian is 2*nbus X 2*nbus where nbus is the number of buses.
>> If you only want the sensitivities w.r.t. voltage magnitudes then
>> the dQ_dVm sub-matrix from the Jacobian.
>> Shri
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Hiranya Seneviratne <hiranya.seneviratn...@gmail.com>
>> Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum <matpowe...@list.cornell.edu>
>> Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 4:54 PM
>> To: MATPOWER discussion forum <matpowe...@list.cornell.edu>
>> Subject: Re: Jacobian matrix values
>>> Dear Shri,
>>> Thanks a lot. I have tried finding the jacobian matrix when i ran the
>>> power flow on case 9 in the example cases given in matlab.
>>> I assigned fullJac to be = 1.
>>> However, I obtained the following values for J:
>>> J =
>>>  (1,1)      17.1204
>>>  (4,1)     -17.1204
>>> (10,1)       0.7195
>>> (13,1)       0.7195
>>>  (2,2)      15.8554
>>>  (8,2)     -15.8554
>>> (11,2)       1.6300
>>> (17,2)       1.6300
>>>  (3,3)      17.1013
>>>  (6,3)     -17.1013
>>> (12,3)       0.8500
>>> (15,3)       0.8500
>>>  (1,4)     -17.1204
>>>  (4,4)      38.2940
>>>  (5,4)     -10.0631
>>>  (9,4)     -10.9179
>>> (10,4)      -0.7195
>>> (13,4)      -3.2220
>>> (14,4)       2.1536
>>> (18,4)       1.6615
>>>  (4,5)     -10.1682
>>>  (5,5)      15.3734
>>>  (6,5)      -5.5701
>>> (13,5)       1.5848
>>> (14,5)      -3.9680
>>> (15,5)       0.6817
>>>  (3,6)     -17.1013
>>>  (5,6)      -5.3103
>>>  (6,6)      32.3713
>>>  (7,6)      -9.6479
>>> (12,6)      -0.8500
>>> (14,6)       1.8143
>>> (15,6)      -2.4536
>>> (16,6)       1.3623
>>>  (6,7)      -9.6999
>>>  (7,7)      22.9890
>>>  (8,7)     -13.5172
>>> (15,7)       0.9218
>>> (16,7)      -3.6932
>>> (17,7)       0.8399
>>>  (2,8)     -15.8554
>>>  (7,8)     -13.3411
>>>  (8,8)      35.1757
>>>  (9,8)      -5.4819
>>> (11,8)      -1.6300
>>> (16,8)       2.3309
>>> (17,8)      -2.7834
>>> (18,8)       1.9295
>>>  (4,9)     -11.0054
>>>  (8,9)      -5.8031
>>>  (9,9)      16.3998
>>> (13,9)       0.9177
>>> (17,9)       0.3135
>>> (18,9)      -3.5910
>>>  (1,10)      0.7195
>>>  (4,10)     -0.7195
>>> (10,10)     17.6018
>>> (13,10)    -17.1204
>>>  (2,11)      1.6300
>>>  (8,11)     -1.6300
>>> (11,11)     16.1446
>>> (17,11)    -15.8554
>>>  (3,12)      0.8500
>>>  (6,12)     -0.8500
>>> (12,12)     17.0284
>>> (15,12)    -17.1013
>>>  (1,13)      0.7290
>>>  (4,13)      3.2644
>>>  (5,13)     -2.1820
>>>  (9,13)     -1.6834
>>> (10,13)    -17.3458
>>> (13,13)     38.7981
>>> (14,13)    -10.1956
>>> (18,13)    -11.0616
>>>  (4,14)     -1.6246
>>>  (5,14)      2.2225
>>>  (6,14)     -0.6989
>>> (13,14)    -10.4239
>>> (14,14)     15.1448
>>> (15,14)     -5.7102
>>>  (3,15)      0.8471
>>>  (5,15)     -1.8082
>>>  (6,15)      2.4453
>>>  (7,15)     -1.3577
>>> (12,15)    -17.0438
>>> (14,15)     -5.2924
>>> (15,15)     32.2624
>>> (16,15)     -9.6154
>>>  (6,16)     -0.9353
>>>  (7,16)      1.7179
>>>  (8,16)     -0.8521
>>> (15,16)     -9.8411
>>> (16,16)     22.6136
>>> (17,16)    -13.7140
>>>  (2,17)      1.6362
>>>  (7,17)     -2.3398
>>>  (8,17)      2.7940
>>>  (9,17)     -1.9369
>>> (11,17)    -15.9161
>>> (16,17)    -13.3922
>>> (17,17)     35.3104
>>> (18,17)     -5.5029
>>>  (4,18)     -0.9583
>>>  (8,18)     -0.3274
>>>  (9,18)      1.1393
>>> (13,18)    -11.4924
>>> (17,18)     -6.0599
>>> (18,18)     16.0813
>>> I was wondering why some of the values are missing and why it is an
>>> matrix.
>>> What I want is J4 for each bus, in order to find the voltage
>>> I will be extremely grateful if you could please help me out as my
>>> project deadline is next week.
>>> Thank you
>>> Hiranya
>>>> On 2 Jun 2015, at 17:08, Abhyankar, Shrirang G. <abhy...@anl.gov>
>>>> fullJac is a flag that you can set to either access the full Jacobian
>>>> matrix or a partial Jacobian. With fullJac = 1, the routine returns
>>>> full Jacobian that has partial derivatives of the power flow equations
>>>> w.r.t to the voltage magnitudes and angles at all buses. If fullJac =
>>>> or
>>>> not given, the Jacobian as used for the power flow calculation, i.e.,
>>>> Jacobian ignoring reactive power equations and voltage magntidues at
>>>> buses, real, reactive power equations, voltage magnitudes and angles
>>>> swing buses. 
>>>> Shri
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Hiranya Seneviratne <hiranya.seneviratn...@gmail.com>
>>>> Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum <matpowe...@list.cornell.edu>
>>>> Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 10:44 AM
>>>> To: MATPOWER discussion forum <matpowe...@list.cornell.edu>
>>>> Subject: Re: Jacobian matrix values
>>>>> Thank you. 
>>>>> However what is fulljac? As I am unable to find the value for that.
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On 2 Jun 2015, at 16:29, "Abhyankar, Shrirang G." <abhy...@anl.gov>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> l
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Hiranya Seneviratne <hiranya.seneviratn...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum <matpowe...@list.cornell.edu>
>>>>>> Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 4:04 AM
>>>>>> To: MATPOWER discussion forum <matpowe...@list.cornell.edu>
>>>>>> Subject: Jacobian matrix values
>>>>>>> Dear Ray,
>>>>>>> Is it possible to find out the values of the jacobian matrix once
>>>>>>> power flow is calculated in Matpower?
>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>> Hiranya 
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone

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