My code is

mpopt = mpoption('verbose', 1);
mpc = loadcase('case5');
profiles = getprofiles('ex_load_profile');
mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'most.dc_model', 1);
mdi = loadmd(mpc,profiles);
mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);

MATLAB gave me two errors:

Error using loadgenericdata (line 147)
loadgenericdata: data not found in any of the specified formats

Error in loadmd (line 107)
    transmat = loadgenericdata(transmati, type);

help me please

On 10 November 2017 at 20:29, Mohammed Alhajri <> wrote:

> i want to add a load profile which had multiple periods to my input
> function, i wrote
> mdi=loadmd(mpc,profiles)
> but I gave me an error!
> mpc is defined as case5
> and
> the profile is ex_load_profile

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