I have struggled with this issue also.  MCN has been a good educational
experience for relating technical issues to other aspects of the Museum.
Digitization, Library, Collection Management are all areas that I
support and knowing more about these areas has been very beneficial.
But, as Bill mentions, the technology management issues are not
addressed.  I think we would all benefit from others who have gone
through these processes or who are struggling along side of us. 

MCN has been the place for making contacts in these areas.  I think we
need to carry that one step further and use this list for more of these
burning issues that IT faces every day in the Museum world.  I know I
have a habit of emailing someone I know instead of posting to the list.
So, why don't we make a pact to use the list when we have questions
about Technology Management Issues and see if we can help each other?
This could also a reference when we start thinking about sessions for
next year's conference.

We can also utilize the SIG web page for listing these resources. I have
just received access to that page, so I can begin modifying it. One
thing I was thinking to include is either sample of RFPs, Forms, etc. or
contact information of people who have these things to share. Would you
be willing to share your resources?  What else would you like to see on
the web page?

Janice Craddock
Information Technology Manager
Amon Carter Museum

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