Thank you all for your helpful information!

>Message: 1
>Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2017 16:20:45 +0000
>From: "Lavatelli, Anna C." <>
>To: "" <>
>Subject: Re: [MCN-L] Managing and storing video content for website
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>To throw in my two cents?
>When building on the ArtBabble software for a conservation video project
>we had great success with Amazon S3s, definitely a great way to go if
>you?re self-hosting. As for the MCA website, we have been using Vimeo for
>distribution via an accessible JS player. The player is designed in our
>visual identity giving the appearance of native content, and we?ve been
>quite happy with affordability and performance (they seem to have gotten
>through the playback bugs they suffered from last year).

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