tatu.manni...@nokia.com wrote:

> I think there should something stated about the instruction
> set and compiler targets used, at least on ARM side. Simply
> stating ARMv7 is not enough as the architecture leaves too
> much as optional (like VFP, NEON) and details like instruction
> timings etc may differ greatly between different
> implementations of the architecture. Also architecture
> licensees of the ARMv7 may more or less implement whatever
> they feel like on top of the architecture.
> Sure you can build compliant binaries using only ARMv7 but
> they will not be optimal at all in real life.

I know less about the ARM side of the story than many other
ABI targets, except that there seem to be a nearly infinite 
number of variations; however as a general statement any bits 
on architecture now are only placeholders until content is 
written/supplied/magically appears.

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