Dear Meep users and developers

 I am using multilevel-Atomic Susceptibility of MEEP to do some simulation. I 
wonder what is the unit of N0 - total number of gain atoms in the system and Rp 
 - pumping rate. 
In the code of the tutorial documents(Multilevel_atomic Susceptibility), N0 is 
equal to 37 and Rp is equal to 0.0051. However the reference [Opt. Express 
2011, 20,474] says that N0 is in in the order of magnitude of 1e23 /m3 and Rp 
is in the order of magnitude of 1e8 /s. According to above data, N0 seems to be 
normalized. But I cannot find the document that explains how to normalize.  As 
for Rp, if we normalize Rp with (c/a=3e8/1e-6=3e14), the result is about 1e-6 
which deviates a lot from the value in the tutorial document 0.0051. 
 Thanks a lot in advance for any help and also meep developers for this 
excellent tool

Yanbo Pei

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