On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 2:37 PM, Ben Finney <ben+pyt...@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
> Javier Candeira <jav...@candeira.com> writes:
>> I have a sorted list.
> What do you mean? Is this a Python builtin list that you have sorted? If
> not, where did this ‘sorted_list’ come from?

Yes, sorry, it's my own SortedList where I have overloaded __init__()
and append() so contents have a 'sorted order' invariant. I thought it
was clear, because I had written earlier that this typing issue crops
up when writing the following simple year 1 data structures for my
students: binary search tree, ordered list, heap, etc...

>> But if I put in an incompatible/unorderable type, I get a TypeError:
>> not comparable.
> Who is “I” in all this? There are multiple points of responsibility
> being discussed, and I don't know which one you're identifying with by
> “I”.

"I" there is the user of the list. I was describing how the list
works. Better said: whoever uses the list will get a "TypeError:
unorderable types" exception if they attempt to put into the same
instance of SortedList, for instance, a tuple and a string. Or an int
and a list. Or any pair of items belonging to types that don't have a
well defined reciprocal ordering.

At risk of repeating myself:

- in the naive implementation, the TypeError will arise on insertion,
when the first functional comparison is made: if newitem >
- in the guarded implementation, the code checks that, if there
already items in the list, at least the new item is orderable with
regards to the one in li[0], and then raises its own TypeError
exception manually (allowing for a structure-specific error message
like "TypeError: unorderable types in sorted list:").
- in the Lars implementation, there is a comparison at the top of the
method, that way the error is raised by Python, but at a part where
it's not confusing because it's not down in the guts of the method, so
it can't be any other type of functional bug.

I don't think there's any way for an OrderedList.insert(self, item)
method not to throw a TypeError exception in these circumstances.
Testing may tell you how not to raise TypeErrors when *using* this
SortedList, but it doesn't tell you which of the options to choose
when *coding* a SortedList.

Sorry for the confusing "I", I hope this makes my point clearer.

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