Makes a lot of sense doesn't it? A usage fee and tonnage fee that is totally 
backwards. At least in Canada their taxes are a little more "honest". There 
they abreviate their Provential and Federal sales tax, which is I think 15% (I 
didn't even look this year) as a "GST". It makes it easy to remember what the 
tax is for, Gouge and Screw Tax. 

My daughter lives on the far side but she generally comes to visit me. Dads 
food is better and cheaper than what's in her own cupboard. I don't think she 
eats until she comes to visit, then stores up enough for another couple months. 
She's in Cheney, where are you?


In a message dated 8/10/2005 7:20:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
Subject: Re: [MBZ] tags
To: "Mercedes mailing list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

i have my boat trailer license bill before says my trailer weighs 
00190 and the fee is $ oh 300sdl must weigh 4400 and costs 

you seattle guys ever cross over to the east side?

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