They worked for me.  Toward the end of college (last 2-3 years...) I had 
serious pain in my right shoulder (pitching/baseball for 11 years of my 
life) that would not allow me to raise my arm above parallel to the 
ground.  I thought I would need surgery, so I visited an orthopedic 
surgeon and was told it was "just" bursitis.  He gave me a shot of 
cortisone that made me feel really good for about 2 days.  Then the pain 
came back worse than ever....UGH!  So I tried a combo of MSM, 
chondroitin, and glucosamine for 3 months or so and I have not had any 
pain since, now going on 6 years.  I currently play tennis more than 
twice a week, bowl at least once a week, play baseball/softball/football 
off and on.  All shoulder pain free :)  I'm a believer.

In reading about chondroitin, I've found that chicken cartilage is a 
VERY good source for it.  Since then, I've started eating as much of the 
cartilage as I can.... gross to some people, but healthful if the 
chicken (back yard for me) is raised healthy.


LarryT wrote:
> you said <<was taking Glucosimine w/condroitin >> .
> do you think it did any good?  A friend of mine spent a lot of time 
> researching "Homeopathic" cures and his finding was they required huge doses 
> and long (very long) times of taking them.
> I tend to agree w/him but haven't studied it like he has.
> Anyone have opposing view/evidence?  I understand it's a huge market and 
> perhaps some see helpful results, but personally I haven't seen any 
> improvements I could conclusively say was the results of  some 
> vitamin/supplement I was taking.  Plus, there seems to be similar problems 
> as with other things - too much of this or that - where before it may have 
> been said to have no practical limit. (Vit E for instance).
> I guess I've become more suspicious and aware of problems caused by long 
> term drugs of any kind being used.  I have high level nerve pain and take 
> lots of Narcotics like Percocet (although I've cut my intake by half) and at 
> one time too high doses of OxyContin.  I now take a non-narcotic called 
> Lyrica which has been a miracle drug for me - but all drugs, regardless have 
> side effects when taken for long periods.  Even Aspirin.
> I'd like to stop all oral meds and rely on the med. pump I have that pushes 
> meds to my spine but it doesn't control the pain enough to do that -
> LarryT
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Chuck Landenberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Mercedes Discussion List" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 11:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] Its a matter of definition
>> I'm taking neither.  I was taking Glucosimine w/condroitin and the
>> system technology brand also has Vitamin C.
>> I've got a back that is severely screwed up.  Hurt it in '78.  Had a
>> fusion of L3/L4 but I still have movement between the two.  Am
>> looking into some "minimally intrusive surgical alternatives".  For
>> many years I took squite large doses of Ibuprofin (1200/1800 mg/day)
>> and about 3 months ago, I started having nosebleeds with no warning.
>> I've stopped the Ibuprofin and have had no recurrence of the
>> nosebleeds.  As to arthritis, I have no joint swelling altho my
>> doctor says I have the affliction/disease...
>> For now I just hunker down and do things that require back movement
>> with in little bits.  Bending over when washing dishes really sucks...
>> Just an authentic teutonic approach........  Put up with it..!!!
>> Take care,
>> Chuck

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