Ironically, I can't seem to grow sweet corn here. Tomatoes kick ...
(checking which list I am on) ... butt. I buy sweet corn at the local
farmer's market. Peppers and cucumbers do well. And if you don't want to
garden, you just walk to the farmer's market and buy freshly picked organic
produce for an embarrassingly low price.

You'd love it here, Wilton. Jefferson is an ... er, elderly community. The
65+ age group has a better social life than I do. And when the time comes to
get some care, you move into one of three facilities where you have your own
apartment, your own nurses, and an on-call physician.

Wanna do the VFW thing? They are the biggest club in town, complete with a
former Special Forces Army guy in charge. You can't pay for your own beer in
Jefferson if you are a veteran.

$100K, maybe $70K in this market, will get you a house like mine, a 3
bedroom ranch with a four car garage. $200K will have lawyers and doctors
next door. $300K+ you are living in one of the new construction custom

It does get cold during the winter, but as God is my witness, 10F here feels
like 30F did when I lived in Elizabeth City. We get snow, but for $30 a guy
comes by and clears your sidewalk and driveway. You might see -20F once or
twice a year, but you just stay indoors and remark on how cold it is.

A retired O-5 could live like a king on his retirement income in Jefferson,
and shove money into a savings account every month without feeling the

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 7:19 PM, Wilton Strickland <>wrote:

> 'Don't need no stinkin' code to grow (or cook) corn in Iowa!!!!!
> ;<))))))))
> Wilton
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