On my 76 240D...how long can you let the glow plugs
glow after the litttle filament behind the salt shaker
top starts glowing. With the more viscous goo I have
in it and the falling morning temps, I've been giving
it a longer glow...but don't know what the limit
is...balancing act between GP life/battery
charge/starter wear/engine wear/low cost of running a
$500 car on free goop.

Any help much appreciated, as always.

Christopher McCann, Squier Park, Kansas City, Missouri
-1987 300TD, 150K miles, "Rotkäppchen" (Little Red Riding Hood)
-1985 300SD, 209K miles, "Wulf" 
-1976 240D, ManyK miles,  "AKP-Wagen" (Alternativen Kraftstoffs Prüfenlastwagen 
= Alternative Fuel Test Vehicle) running 
WVO/WMO/LO/CO/WATF/WGL/WBF/DA/MS/lard/gas/kero/D2 mix (do not attempt this 
unless you are willing to sacrifice your IP, injectors, pre-chambers, etc.)
-1971 Case 222 Hydrive, 12HP Kohler, 38" deck, snow blower, "One Banger"

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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