rumor has it that David wrote:

> andrew strasfogel wrote:
> > I rented a movie DVD and wanted to transfer it to videotape for later
> > veiwing but couldn't because DVDs are now copy protected.  So much for "fair
> > use" - they didn't even give me a chance to be honest or fair!
> >   
> DVDs have two layers of copy protection.  The first is a digital 
> encryption scheme called CSS.  

> The second layer is what prevents you from making a video tape recording 
> of a DVD you're playing back.  It's called Macrovision.  It's an analog 
> scheme, also used on rental videocassettes, and in the case of DVDs it's 
> actually applied to the outgoing signal by a circuit inside the DVD 
> player.  I won't go into the technical details here, but it acts by 
> interfering with the automatic gain control in the VCR.

This is true. A mostly useless piece of data is that Betamax recorders
are nearly immune to the effect - but they don't strip it. Also, any
VHS deck with a manual video level control (high end pro decks,
usually) will not be too bothered by it.

> At home I have a video projector that simply cannot deal with 
> Macrovision; it confuses it into thinking it doesn't have a valid video 
> signal.  I ended up buying a "video stabilizer" to strip the Macrovision 
> encoding off the signal.  While I don't use this device for copying, and 
> my use of it infringes no one's copyright, I had a hard time getting it 
> because the DMCA makes it illegal to sell or even to posess it.  It's a 
> strange world we live in.

Curious. A device called a TBC (time base corrector), which is an
essential part of any non-hobby tape-based video production system,
will do the same thing. By "rebuilding" the sync portion of the signal
the Macrovision parts are (rightly) tossed out with any other "trash"!

So I am surprised to hear that it's illegal to _posess_ one since there
are so many applications where it's indespensible and legitimate!

But like you said - it's a strange world!!!

          Philip, old style video geek

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