I used to drool over TBCs when I worked around video production --
Are they cheap yet? anything worth buying on eBay?

> Curious. A device called a TBC (time base corrector), which is an
> essential part of any non-hobby tape-based video production system,
> will do the same thing. By "rebuilding" the sync portion of the signal
> the Macrovision parts are (rightly) tossed out with any other "trash"!
> So I am surprised to hear that it's illegal to _posess_ one since there
> are so many applications where it's indespensible and legitimate!
> But like you said - it's a strange world!!!
>          Philip, old style video geek
Norman, OK
'90 300D, '87 300SDL,  '81 240D,  '78 450SLC
The FSM created the Diesel Benz

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